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do i need planning permission to build a simple lean to made out of wood and a plastic roof on the back of my terraced house and can it be built close to the neighbours fence.

Also is there any height restrictions to worry about ,thanks



For a simple lean-to structure at the back of your terraced house, you likely won’t need planning permission, but there are a few key considerations:

  1. Height – There are restrictions on how tall you can build without needing planning permission. Generally, the lean-to must not exceed 3 meters in height if it’s within 2 meters of the boundary with your neighbor.
  2. Location – The lean-to can be built right up against the boundary with your neighbor’s fence as long as it doesn’t exceed 3 meters in height from ground level.
  3. Materials – Using non-permanent materials like wood and plastic/polycarbonate roofing typically means it is considered a temporary structure not requiring planning permission.
  4. Size – There are also limits on the size – it must cover less than 50% of the garden area and have a maximum floor area of less than 30 square meters.
  5. Use – It must be used only for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house (not for sleeping accommodation).

As long as you stay within those basic limits on height, materials, size and use, you should be able to construct a simple lean-to right up against the neighbor’s fence without needing planning permission.

However, it’s always advisable to check with your local planning authority first before proceeding. Give them the details and they can confirm if permission is needed or not based on your specific proposal.

Also consider speaking to your neighbor as a courtesy, even though you don’t legally require their permission, just to make them aware of your plans.

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