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Deposit request to secure the slot

Is it normal and trustworthy if Bathroom fitters asking deposit before there start job to secure the slot,iv been provided with bank details?thanks



While it’s not uncommon for contractors to request deposits, it’s important to be cautious, especially when dealing with an unknown service provider. Here are a few points to consider:

1. Deposits are often requested to secure a time slot and cover initial material costs. This practice is relatively normal in many trades, including bathroom fitting.

2. However, the amount of the deposit should typically be reasonable – usually around 10-25% of the total job cost. Be wary of requests for large upfront payments.

3. Before paying any deposit:
– Ensure you have a written quote detailing the work to be done and the total cost.
– Verify the company’s credentials, including business address and registration.
– Check online reviews and ratings if available.
– Consider asking for references from previous customers.

4. Be cautious about transferring money to unfamiliar bank accounts. Verify the company’s details independently, not just from the information they provide.

5. Consider using secure payment methods that offer some buyer protection.

6. Ask about their policy for refunding the deposit if you need to cancel.

7. Be wary of high-pressure tactics or unusually low quotes coupled with deposit requests.

If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of the request, you could:
– Ask if they offer alternative booking methods without a deposit.
– Seek quotes from other reputable bathroom fitters for comparison.
– Consult local consumer protection agencies for advice.


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